5 Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Not Mad At You Any More

5.  When she goes out of town for the weekend, make sure you tell her you miss her every once in a while, and keep in touch so she knows what you’re up to.

4.  When she comes back from out of town, have her apartment in excellent condition.  She only asked you to water the plant on the balcony and feed the tortoise, but you watered all the plants, cleaned the toilet, and washed the dishes, too.

3.  A drive up a local canyon to look at the fall leaves, followed by a candlelit bath and everything that goes with it.

2.  Reading out loud together from The Princess Bride by William Goldman. (This may only work of your girlfriend happens to be me.)

1.  Most important:  An acknowledgement that your drinking had become a problem, a week with no alcohol whatsoever, and your presence at an AA meeting earlier in the week.

Presto!  The girlfriend who last weekend had to apologize to friends because you showed up to the party drunk and who mopped your urine off her bathroom floor is in love with you again!  Well done, Jim, well done!

About The Authentic Drunk

I grew up LDS, faithful and believing. It was my religion, it was the way I interpreted the world around me and my place in the universe. In a matter of weeks that all fell apart. This is my secret public blog; the one I don't tell my parents or friends about. This is the blog where I anonymously write about all the stupid things I do, all the lessons I'm learning for the first time, and what I'm honestly thinking.
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